Preface #1

"Artist's Statement" (Essay)

Jason Cole Magnon "Artist’s Statement" I want my readers to be able to have at least two distinct kinds of experienc...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Awaking Noiseless"

Jason Cole Magnon

“Awaking Noiseless”

Lights turn off and mind turns on, and
I am cast into inner-dusk, the dim of the unconscious,
Where narrow streets split
 rows of bourgeois houses.
In ephemeral pace, I follow
The way–
steep steps that spill like slopes–
Arrive: a house, vaguely familiar. Hollow, and withering in recollection.
I step inside where the vague voices come alive, but escape recognition.
Every voice dissipates and grows faint
Until–like the ruins that enshroud it–is finally condemned, and

Never to be heard again.

I awake in a sweat of protest and disillusion.
My nerves tremble, my hand hovers over
My mouth, muffled by the gentle cover.   

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