Preface #1

"Artist's Statement" (Essay)

Jason Cole Magnon "Artist’s Statement" I want my readers to be able to have at least two distinct kinds of experienc...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Letter of Abdication"

Jason Magnon

"Letter of Abdication”

I think I know what it is that leads the peaceful revolutionary into war,
To shut the Door behind him and hope to hear no more from the world beyond:
The veil and villain of the world within.
Its surmises, surprises, subversive subtleties. “Who’s getting the best of me?” Now
I’ll pass. I pass, too.

Someone is outside this room. Could be a cat, could be a man named Bruce… I want it/them to be
vanquished, to
leave immediately. 

I must unveil the identity behind the door… 
A solvent solution. Preface to bliss of further disillusion. 

fadfdfsd  hdajhsfdjsskf hfsjhfkjdhsdf  jhfskdfdskjfsdfb  acad. uh dawn  dash ad   sadjhadkjh jhdasd asjhasd joshed k jhadsj ha jh ads joshing j

joshing joshing joshing whoever may be eavesdropping joshing joshing

they who thieve my world. 

I am a heart-shaped hole,
a fragment drifting, wishing 
to rejoin its whole.

[gibberish is relative; a child has full faith in his nonsense, and is
imbued by god’s graceful name-changing: an eternally translating…
the child knows what we have forgotten. Trusting, falling in the hands of
Something much greater than her self, and our’s, alone could be]

Abdicate, everyone, this trans-rational fallacy! 
I here give you the words from
Dreams urging awakening,


All is senseless 

and without form.

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