Preface #1

"Artist's Statement" (Essay)

Jason Cole Magnon "Artist’s Statement" I want my readers to be able to have at least two distinct kinds of experienc...

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Perennial Art"

Jason Cole Magnon

“Perennial Art”

She wrote,

Live with enduring trust and hope.
Your angel will always light your way.

I have lived and endured
Absent of trust, a Love beyond me,
As she has lived
Absent of that truth which
Left her,
Absent me.

I have found nothing in my aloneness
That could make my emptinesses
Any less hollow, nor clear my head of
The loops and chatter. 

           Though I've had so little solace,
           I find some rest in you.

A man must build his house alone and
Roughen his hands as well as his heart
Before he should open his door, before
His bed blooms the two as one: before
The Alchemy of their Perennial Art.

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