Preface #1

"Artist's Statement" (Essay)

Jason Cole Magnon "Artist’s Statement" I want my readers to be able to have at least two distinct kinds of experienc...

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Bereft of Beauty"

Jason Cole Magnon

"Bereft of Beauty

Rushed superfluous, hurried and shaken. 
I am bereft. What is left of beauty?
Clothed in shame and then: forsaken. 

Deeply entranced in this masquerading, 
We run wielding shields of timidity,
Rushed superfluous, hurried and shaken. 

Hold to the self, the I that is Me.
Any gift given may still be taken.
I am bereft. What is left of beauty? 

What some call living, I call escaping.
They want hope, I see chaos ensuing:
Rushed superfluous, hurried and shaken.
My God, you, omniscient and forsaking,
Impart your grace, be imbued into me
I am bereft, What is left of beauty?

There are still more nights to pass until I
Awake in this dream of times elapsing.
Rushed superfluous, hurried and shaken,

I am bereft. What is left of beauty?

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