Preface #1

"Artist's Statement" (Essay)

Jason Cole Magnon "Artist’s Statement" I want my readers to be able to have at least two distinct kinds of experienc...

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Soul's Doldrums"

Jason Cole Magnon

“Soul’s Doldrums”

Happiness is always resting
In waters deep, beneath
The waves quaking in the wake of time, 

Across the Wandering Rocks of duality, 
Through the Symplegades of right and wrong.

Amidst the whirlpool of morality, 
My soul drops into doldrums of 
Still reprieve.

From a fulcrum
At the center of
The Middle Way, I wait

Between the Scylla of Desire and 
       The Charybdis of Fear. 

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